Sunday, December 30, 2012

Lila Lola's present cutter cookie challenge

If you've never checked out Lila Lola's blog... go NOW.

Not only is Georganne extremely talented, she's also HILARIOUS.  Laugh out loud hilarious.  Lila Lola is one of the blogs I read religiously.  Awhile back, she had a present cookie cutter challenge contest.  Even though I was still very new, I had to join in on the fun.

All you had to do, was take the cookie cutter below, and design something else out of it.

 There were LOTS of entries for her contest.  Personally, I only submitted 3, but I came up with a BUNCH of different ideas

Steaming cauldrun
Pumpkin carriage


Birthday hat

One Kookie Cookie 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

You never forget your first Doctor

Anyone who knows me, knows that I can be a bit of a nerd.  I love movies, I love books, I love finding out little random things.  I'm not your typical "girl" movie fan.  I prefer the action over romance, scifi over drama.  Star Wars, Terminator, Aliens... I love them so.  So it's no surprise that I grew up watching Doctor Who and to this day am a HUGE fan. 

So when my friend found a couple of Doctor Who cookie cutters, I was ECSTATIC!

TARDIS and Dalek cookie cutters... aka nerd heaven!

My very first Dalek cookies.  Aren't they just GREAT!!! 

Ok, so the TARDIS cookie cutter is big.  I mean big BIG. So I had a few spreading issues.  BUT, I still had a blast making it!  This was actually my third TARDIS attempt.

The whole gang

My very own Dalek army!

One Kookie Cookie

NY Pinstripes

So, every time I make cookies, my husband asks me... "when are you going to make ME some".  Apparently getting to eat the reject cookies isn't enough!  So I decided to make him his own little set of cookies of his favorite baseball team.

One Kookie Cookie

Easter 2012

Now that I was on a roll, I dove right into Easter.  By this time I was stalking other cookiers pages and blogs.  By some amazing stroke of luck, I won a giveaway from Simply Sweets by Honey Bee.  It was great, especially because I had NO Easter cookie cutters. 

Carrots are a must for Easter... right?

My Easter quilt cookies.  <3 them VERY much!!

These were my very first attempt at embroidery cookies.  The blue one came out great!  The purple one... not so much.  I'm STILL working on getting my consistency just right.

Easter eggs.  I experimented with this whole set... can you tell?

"Stained glass" cookies.  I might have to try these again next Easter.
Pretty little flowers!

And don't forget about the bunny butt cake!!!

One Kookie Cookie

Friday, December 28, 2012

Baby's are so cute!

Once I survived Valentine's and St Patrick's day, I thought, "Heck yeah! I can do this!" 

So my next project was to make some baby cookies for my dear friend Isabel.  Luckily for me, none of my friends are cookiers, or know cookiers, or even know that cookier is a word.  So my poor little cookies seemed awesome!

I should warn you... the background for these pictures is disturbing.  If you are skiddish, look away.

The whole set.  For my first real set of cookies, I am sort of happy with these.

Onsies are always a winner... and this gave me the perfect excuse to get new cutters!!

B A B Y... that spells Baby!

"A" for Adrianna.  Such a cutie!

THIS is the ruffle butt cookie.  I don't really want to talk about the fate of ruffle butt.  Let's just say that a little concert and a couple of Long Island Ice Teas prevented it from getting delivered the next day.  Poor ruffle butt... you'll always have a special place in my heart.

This dear friends is the first quilt cookie I've ever done.  And I LOVE it.

One Kookie Cookie

My first cookies

My very first experience with cookie decorating was with some Christmas cookies I made for some friends.  I was so excited about them!  But unfortunately I wasn't smart enough to take pictures.  :/

So instead,  here are the next few batches of cookies I attempted.  I was new... so be nice!

                                 Valentine's Day 2012

Valentine's Stamp cookies, inspired by Bake at 350. 
Please excuse the picture quality... My phone was NOT the best choice!
J loves S

The whole lot.  Awesome they were not, but they went very quickly!


                     Next up... St Patrick's day 2012!!

The chocolate pots of gold... and the loan broken shamrock.  Lila Lola's chocolate sugar cookie it INCREDIBLE!!!  I highly recommend it to all!  The Shamrock was made with a chocolate chip sugar cookie recipe.  I don't recommend this recipe for cookies with weak spots... like the stem on the poor shamrock.

I like to consider these cookies the very beginning of my cookie adventure.  VERY beginning.  :)

One Kookie Cookie